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Ort Berlin
Unterrichtet Personal Trainer
verified Verifizierte Daten time 2 Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung
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18 €/h
Klein- und Vorschulkinder
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Nutrition and Health counselling to regain your energy and health, and achieve your fitness goals

My name is Steve and my specialty is health and wellness. I have years of experience coaching a wide variety of clients, from high level athletes, to overweight individuals, to kids, to those with serious diseases such as CVD, cancer, and diabetes.

My philosophy when it comes to wellness is a holistic and functional approach involving four pillars: proper sleep hygiene, stress management, physical exercise, and a healthy diet. I believe all four of these pillars need to be addressed for effective health and wellness coaching. To this point, I am a nutritional scientist, I am a certified yoga teacher as well as a high-level athlete (tennis), I am also a strong proponent and practitioner of meditation for stress management, and I am well educated on proper sleep routines and habits to match our natural circadian rhythm. I enjoy self-experimenting with new techniques, diets, fasting, and supplements, and perfecting my own routines in order to draw on these experiences to find the best solution for each unique client.

I hope to use my experience, education and knowledge to help as many people as I can regain their energy, positivity, and pride in themselves. Nutrition and health can be extremely overwhelming, but my approach is to make small changes that seamlessly fit in to the client’s unique lifestyle so that they become habit without you ever noticing. I have seen how these small changes can make a big difference, and I will do my best to work with your clients to find the best solution for their goals.
Profilbeschreibung von Stephen
I work with each person to find the best solutions for their goals or issues that works with their lifestyle. I know health can be an overwhelming problem and many of the required changes can be impossible to fit around kids, work, social, school, etc. But I believe small changes can have a large impact on your life, and once you see how your energy, weight, and mood improve, the changes do not f...
I work with each person to find the best solutions for their goals or issues that works with their lifestyle. I know health can be an overwhelming problem and many of the required changes can be impossible to fit around kids, work, social, school, etc. But I believe small changes can have a large impact on your life, and once you see how your energy, weight, and mood improve, the changes do not feel like a burden but rather a fantastic addition to your life.

We will work with your daily schedules to find the best routine that works for you. I will ask questions about sleep, nutrition, exercise and stress to see where your strengths and weakness are. I will then start with small recommendations each week that will not disrupt your life, but ones that we can build on to round out your health routines.

My experience as a health coach has shown me where to push and where to be flexible. Generally, I am a very encouraging person and I bring that attitude to health coaching. I will support you on your journey whether it is back to health or improved performance with recommendations that can become lifelong habits. Food choices, abiding by circadian rhythms, physical stressing of the body, meditation, are some examples of my experiences and recommendations that I have seen work. Some of these may sound intimidating, but starting small and growing slowly with them can change your life. I do not exaggerate when I say that they did mine, and I would love to share them with you.
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Nutritional Science
Englisch Spanisch
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