2 Sport und Gesundheit Trainer in Delmenhorst

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An international certified  Muaythai coach of IFMA(International Federation of Muaythai Associations) who builds elite athletes.
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Jet Lee
BundeslandBremen, Delmenhorst, Lemwerde...

An international certified Muaythai coach of IFMA(International Federation of Muaythai Associations) who builds elite athletes.

I’m Jet Lee James , who is a passionate compact sports coach and an international medalist, I have a bronze medal in an international kickb...
BundeslandBremen, Delmenhorst, Lemwerde...

An international certified Muaythai coach of IFMA(International Federation of Muaythai Associations) who builds elite athletes.

I’m Jet Lee James , who is a passionate compact sports coach and an international medalist, I have a bronze medal in an international kickb...
A personal fitness trainer who converts children and adults into elite ATHLETES
Erste Stunde kostenlos
Jet Lee
BundeslandBremen, Delmenhorst, Lemwerde...
FachPersonal Trainer

A personal fitness trainer who converts children and adults into elite ATHLETES

I'm a committed and motivated person with an International Muay Thai Certification from IFMO(International Federation Of Muay Thai Associat...
BundeslandBremen, Delmenhorst, Lemwerde...
FachPersonal Trainer

A personal fitness trainer who converts children and adults into elite ATHLETES

I'm a committed and motivated person with an International Muay Thai Certification from IFMO(International Federation Of Muay Thai Associat...
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32 €/Std.
...ist der Durchschnittspreis für Privatunterricht in Sport und Gesundheit
<4 Stunden
<4 Stunden
...ist die durchschnittliche Antwortzeit unserer Lehrkräfte auf Anfragen