Ort Würzburg, Albertshofen, Altertheim, Arnstein, Eibelstadt, Estenfeld, Gerbrunn, Randersacker, Markt, Rottendorf, Theilheim
verified Verifizierte Daten time 1 Jahr Unterrichtserfahrung Antwortrate <strong>100%</strong> Antwortrate 100%
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Profilbeschreibung von Yash
First of all we started from basics like, vowels and consonant then we focus on the verb and word , then we deal with the normal sentence structure , after we learn about the Grammer of languages in between this we are going to take examination so that you can prepare it well and don't forget about this. I am very kind person in teaching. So you can contact me.
First of all we started from basics like, vowels and consonant then we focus on the verb and word , then we deal with the normal sentence structure , after we learn about the Grammer of languages in between this we are going to take examination so that you can prepare it well and don't forget about this. I am very kind person in teaching. So you can contact me.
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