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Ort Dortmund
verified Verifizierte Daten time 1 Jahr Unterrichtserfahrung Antwortrate <strong>100%</strong> Antwortrate 100%
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Profilbeschreibung von Su
I have a bachelors degree and a masters in American Studies with a minor in Anglophone Literature. My main goal in working with young minds is to turn learning English into a game and make them fall in love with the language. By focusing on their own interests and hobbies I design a curriculum just for them. My approach helps kids to gain confidence to speak like a native speaker, while also layi...
I have a bachelors degree and a masters in American Studies with a minor in Anglophone Literature. My main goal in working with young minds is to turn learning English into a game and make them fall in love with the language. By focusing on their own interests and hobbies I design a curriculum just for them. My approach helps kids to gain confidence to speak like a native speaker, while also laying the groundwork for grammar lessons.
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