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Ort Kassel, Kreisfreie Stadt
verified Verifizierte Daten time 2 Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung
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Profilbeschreibung von Sharyn
My name is Sharyn. I have native-speaking level English and I just finished a CELTA course with pass awarded by University of Cambridge. I am able to give customized lessons to cater different needs of specific learners. I am looking forward to your contact and you will not regret to have me as your English tutor.

I have different approaches for different target groups. For small children, it is...
My name is Sharyn. I have native-speaking level English and I just finished a CELTA course with pass awarded by University of Cambridge. I am able to give customized lessons to cater different needs of specific learners. I am looking forward to your contact and you will not regret to have me as your English tutor.

I have different approaches for different target groups. For small children, it is more important to raise their interest and provide them the language atmosphere. For students who are preparing exams and tests, practice is the key. I could analyze your needs and situations in order to provide you the perfect tutorials to achieve your goals.
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