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Profilbeschreibung von Marko
Starting with basics and getting to know the whole class and see their current english knowledge. When i establish what level of english i can use with studetns, i try to test their grammar, speaking, reading and hearing skills. Pay attention to everyone and make sure the whole class understands what I am trying to explain. Consistency is the key, so at the beginning of each class i should make s...
Starting with basics and getting to know the whole class and see their current english knowledge. When i establish what level of english i can use with studetns, i try to test their grammar, speaking, reading and hearing skills. Pay attention to everyone and make sure the whole class understands what I am trying to explain. Consistency is the key, so at the beginning of each class i should make sure that students explain what we did in last class so we can connect that knowledge with next one that follows.
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