Profil von Kayacan Ugras

Über mich
Mein Unterricht

Über mich

I don't have a teaching background, as I'm a Visual Communication Designer, however I'm an enthusiast of my mother tongue and would love to share its beauty with the willing people. We Turks really enjoy when a foreigner makes effort to speak our language and it just makes us happy. Therefore as a native speaker of Turkish, I want to make an effort to teach a willing person as much as I can.

I don't have a teaching background, as I'm a Visual Communication Designer, however I'm an enthusiast of my mother tongue and would love to share its beauty with the willing people. We Turks really enjoy when a foreigner makes effort to speak our language and it just makes us happy. Therefore as a native speaker of Turkish, I want to make an effort to teach a willing person as much as I can.

Starting from basic phrases and words we'll get into learning common everyday phrases and how they come to be, since learning "why"s and "how"s give a better understanding of the language, this will also turn into grammar lessons as well, as Turkish grammar is quite mathematical.

Turkish is an agglutinative (making new words by adding suffixes to the root) language therefore it differs from many Indo-European languages, as well as many other its fellow Asian languages.
We'll go in detail for this aspect. As well as Turkish language has a set certain rules for suffixes and words (such as vowel harmony), rules like these are essential and need to be known for a fluent speech. Words will be taught with their meaning, etymology (if asked) and usage.

Street speak will also be taught, so you'll be able to speak Turkish like a common Turkish person.
I'm aiming to make sure the student speaks fluently as well as with faith in themselves.

So, in summary here's what I aim to teach:

1. Basic but essential grammatical rules
2. Common phrases, words (Vocabulary)
3. Important sayings that's used everyday (greetings and farewells etc.)
4. Street speak as well as polite speech
5. Certain aspects of dialects
6. Connection with Turkish daily life and culture
7. Advanced Grammatical rules
8. "Why"s and "How"s of Turkish language

These are in no order but will be gone over as the lessons are on.

So, basically, I am here to teach you how to speak like a local and speak with confidence when you travel to Turkiye.

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