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verified Verifizierte Daten time 3 Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bachelorabschluss: Information Technology Degree
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Profilbeschreibung von Ibrahim
When it comes to delivering information, I have a unique approach that focuses on practicality and ensuring that you not only understand the concepts but also gain valuable experience during our lessons. My teaching method goes beyond traditional lecture-style delivery and incorporates interactive and hands-on activities to enhance your learning journey.

First and foremost, I believe in the powe...
When it comes to delivering information, I have a unique approach that focuses on practicality and ensuring that you not only understand the concepts but also gain valuable experience during our lessons. My teaching method goes beyond traditional lecture-style delivery and incorporates interactive and hands-on activities to enhance your learning journey.

First and foremost, I believe in the power of engagement. Instead of simply presenting information to you, I encourage active participation. This means incorporating discussions, group work, and real-life examples to make the material relatable and relevant. By involving you in the learning process, I ensure that you are not just a passive recipient of information but an active learner who can apply the knowledge effectively.

Moreover, I understand that theoretical knowledge alone may not be sufficient for practical application. Therefore, I strive to bridge the gap between theory and practice by providing opportunities for experiential learning. This could involve simulations, case studies, or even real-world projects, depending on the subject matter. By engaging in hands-on activities, you will gain practical experience and develop the skills necessary to apply the information in real-life situations.

Additionally, I am committed to adapting my teaching style to meet your individual needs. I recognize that everyone learns differently, and I will tailor my lessons to accommodate your preferred learning style.

Whether you are a visual learner who benefits from diagrams and charts or a kinesthetic learner who thrives through hands-on tasks, I will provide a variety of resources and activities to cater to your learning preferences.

In conclusion, my approach to delivering information is centered around practicality and ensuring that you not only understand the content but also gain valuable experience. By engaging you actively in the learning process, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and accommodating your individual learning style, I guarantee that our lessons will be informative, enriching, and leave you with practical skills and experience that you can apply confidently in various contexts.
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