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Profilbeschreibung von Hiba
Dear reader,
I have got my BA degree in English Studies at the faculty of arts and human sciences Sais Fez in 2019. I was a very hardworking student in the whole 3 years of study and the recommendation letter attached can clearly confirm that. I was always seeking the information and trying to benefit from my professors’ rich background as much as I could. Moreover, I was honored in 1st list amo...
Dear reader,
I have got my BA degree in English Studies at the faculty of arts and human sciences Sais Fez in 2019. I was a very hardworking student in the whole 3 years of study and the recommendation letter attached can clearly confirm that. I was always seeking the information and trying to benefit from my professors’ rich background as much as I could. Moreover, I was honored in 1st list among 300 undergraduate students in the whole department. My academic excellence did not begin at the university. In contrast, I was always the first in my classes starting from my primary school till I got my BA. And now, I am so interested in getting myself a life changing experience.
As already stated in my CV, I worked already as a customer service representative and I was working as an English high school teacher in the private sector for 1 year. It goes without saying that this experience had a very positive impact on my carrier as I was always keen on teaching, and it will always remain a passion of mine. While teaching, I was always reading teaching books to gain more knowledge on how to teach my students especially that I was teaching students from different age ranges. So, it was necessary for me and for my teaching quality to adopt different methods and techniques depending on which class I have. Moreover, teaching English is not as easy as the majority might think as each lesson is different from the other and requires to be taught in its suitable way by adopting the correct teaching tool as I always love to call it. To sum up, teaching is an art and not only a job. It is undeniable that this 1-year teaching experience was a great opportunity to ameliorate my thoughts and most importantly to know what the word teaching stands for. I have read so many books about teaching English as a foreign language. But, the main 2 beneficial books I have read so far about how to teach EFL students are: How to teach English by Jeremy Harmer and Techniques and principles in language teaching written by Larsen Freeman and Marti Anderson.

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