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María José
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verified Verifizierte Daten time 3 Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung
Bewertungen der Schüler:innen von María José: Bewertungen der Schüler:innen von María José:
I highly recommend Maria Jose as a Spanish teacher. She knows how to create a friendly and supportive environment for learning. Her classes are also very engaging and very well-organised. Thanks to h...
I highly recommend Maria Jose as a Spanish teacher. She knows how to create a friendly and supportive environment for l...
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17 €/h
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Profesora certificada de ELE con 5 años de experiencia


Soy profesora certificada de ELE (Español como Lengua Extranjera) y ofrezco lecciones dinámicas y personalizadas para ayudarte a mejorar tus habilidades de conversación en español. Con más de 5 años de experiencia enseñando en diversas plataformas, he ayudado a muchos estudiantes a alcanzar sus objetivos lingüísticos. Mis clases son interactivas y efectivas, garantizando que aprendas español de forma natural y divertida.


I am a certified ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) teacher, offering dynamic and personalized lessons to help you improve your Spanish conversation skills. With over 5 years of experience teaching on various platforms, I have helped many students achieve their language goals. My lessons are both engaging and highly effective, ensuring you learn Spanish naturally while having fun!
6 Bewertungen der Schüler*innen von María José
Anna und 5 weitere Personen empfehlen María José
I highly recommend Maria Jose as a Spanish teacher. She knows how to create a friendly and supportive environment for learning. Her classes are also very engaging and very well-organised. Thanks to her I started speaking in Spanish faster than I ever expected. She is an excellent teacher!
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Cameron Jacques
Maria is a great professor and I highly recommend setting up lessons with her. She has been instrumental in the growth of my Spanish skills. She is extremely kind and very helpful with finding the most important areas of Spanish to continue building your skills. She has great material that she shares with you when helpful. She also is great at holding a conversation with you, no matter your level of Spanish. When I first started lessons with her, my Spanish was very basic and I was only able to hold light conversations. Quickly, thanks to Maria, I built up confidence to hold in depth conversations and increased my vocabulary. Muchas gracias, Maria!
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Margherita B.
He tomado clases de español con María durante 7 meses y he mejorado mucho en la conversación, para las clases usamos muchas lecturas interesantes. María es muy divertida y paciente. La recomiendo mucho
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Ehrenamtlicher Lehrer
Ehrenamtlicher Lehrer María José ist Freiwillige*r im FindTutors Freiwilligenprogramm
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