My name is Allia Sadeghipour, and I am an Iranian-American teacher, public speaker, workshop
developer, storyteller, performer, producer and Non-Profit President (WWBL) with a multi-disciplinary
background, intersectional skills, and a breath of diverse knowledge in multiple vocations including
pedagogy. I have over 10 years of teaching experience after graduating from Humboldt University
(Bachelors in English Teaching & Pedagogy) and California State University San Marcos (Masters in
Literature and Writing Studies), and I currently teach English language, critical thinking, academic
writing, media theory, modern storytelling, Feminist and Queer studies courses online and in-person at
Saddleback College, Volkhochschule Mitte (VHS), All on Board, and Humboldt Universität. I have also
developed and presented workshops and training seminars for students, teachers, and businesses both in
person and online for GLADT (Schwarzen und of Color Lesben, Schwulen, Bisexuellen, Trans*, Inter*
und Queere Menschen) Berlin, Deutsche Welle, and various Feminist Film Organizations (EQUIS
Ecuadorian Film Festival, the Feminist Film Festival Berlin & International Female Film Makers