Bachelorabschluss (aktuelle beschäftigung): English language and Literature teacherMasterabschluss (aktuelle beschäftigung): Master student of English Study
Each lesson is conducted with interesting methods,paying attention to each skill in English based on the interest of lish lessons are organized based on live participation of all learners.I try to teach the learner through using handouts,listening videos,recordings in a modern way,giving special emphasis to each skill
Using these methods during My lessons:
1- language teaching (CLT)
Each lesson is conducted with interesting methods,paying attention to each skill in English based on the interest of lish lessons are organized based on live participation of all learners.I try to teach the learner through using handouts,listening videos,recordings in a modern way,giving special emphasis to each skill
Using these methods during My lessons:
1- language teaching (CLT)
Communicative language teaching is perhaps the most popular approach among the methods of teaching ESL today. CLT emphasizes the students’ ability to communicate in real-life contexts, and students learn to make requests, accept offers, explain things, and express their feelings and preferences.
2-Task-/project-/inquiry-based learning
This teaching strategy for ESL students can sometimes be considered a part of CLT, but it heavily emphasizes the students’ independence and individuality. Inquiry-based learning is a modern approach that is becoming widely popular in schools all over the world. By asking questions and solving problems, with the teacher as a mere learning facilitator, student motivation and participation in tasks and projects are thought to increase.