Hello my name is Adam. I am happy to help you learn English speaking, writing, reading and listening. I taught English in Spain for three years, and I was a swimming teacher before that. I am patient and I love to have fun. I look forward to helping you toward your goals!
In my classes, the most important thing is to produce. Learning new words and grammatical structures all serve the purpose of...
Hello my name is Adam. I am happy to help you learn English speaking, writing, reading and listening. I taught English in Spain for three years, and I was a swimming teacher before that. I am patient and I love to have fun. I look forward to helping you toward your goals!
In my classes, the most important thing is to produce. Learning new words and grammatical structures all serve the purpose of using the language for the practical purpose of communication! The most challenging, rewarding and fun part of learning a language, is when you can put everything you have learned into practice.
Hallo, ich bin Adam. Ich helfe Ihnen gern beim Englischsprechen, -schreiben, -lesen und -hören. Ich war drei Jahre lang Englischlehrer in Spanien, und davor war ich Schwimmtrainer. Ich bin geduldig und liebe es, Spaß zu haben. Ich freue mich darauf, dir zu helfen, deine Ziele zu erreichen!
In meinen Klassen ist das Wichtigste zu produzieren. Das Erlernen neuer Wörter und grammatikalischer Strukturen dient alle dem Zweck, die Sprache für den praktischen Zweck der Kommunikation zu nutzen! Der herausforderndste, lohnendste und lustigste Teil des Erlernens einer Sprache ist, wenn man alles, was man gelernt hat, in die Praxis umsetzen kann.
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