7€/h Erste Stunde kostenlos Jesvin Baby Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I Experienced tutor for PhysicsI have completed Masters in Electronics Engineering and worked as an Assistant Professor more than three years. And also worked for two yea... Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I Experienced tutor for PhysicsI have completed Masters in Electronics Engineering and worked as an Assistant Professor more than three years. And also worked for two yea... |
15€/h Erste Stunde kostenlos Emmanuel Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I: Mathematische Grundlagen I woould like to teach mathematics to basic school and secondary studentsPi is mathematical term used for calculating the area of a circle. Trigonometry is fun with the trick called sohcahtoa which i will show yo... Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I: Mathematische Grundlagen I woould like to teach mathematics to basic school and secondary studentsPi is mathematical term used for calculating the area of a circle. Trigonometry is fun with the trick called sohcahtoa which i will show yo... |
14€/h Erste Stunde kostenlos Emmanuel Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I: Mathematische Grundlagen I woould like to teach mathematics to basic studentsI am currently a Masters student in Deep Geothermal systems with a very strong background in mathematics, back in my home country i thought... Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I: Mathematische Grundlagen I woould like to teach mathematics to basic studentsI am currently a Masters student in Deep Geothermal systems with a very strong background in mathematics, back in my home country i thought... |
22€/h Erste Stunde kostenlos Ruland Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I Erfahrener Nachhilfelehrer für Chemie (Gymnasium und Universität)Lehramtsreferenderiat-Absolvent in Chemie mit mehr als 5 Jahren Lehrerfahrung und viel Leidenscfaft. Aßerdem bin ich Doktorand im Bereich d... Clausthal-Zellerfeld Sekundarstufe I Erfahrener Nachhilfelehrer für Chemie (Gymnasium und Universität)Lehramtsreferenderiat-Absolvent in Chemie mit mehr als 5 Jahren Lehrerfahrung und viel Leidenscfaft. Aßerdem bin ich Doktorand im Bereich d... |
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