25€/h Hanifa Remagen Advanced Certificate in English (CAE) C1 English tutor who can teach different ages and levels.I am 29 years old and have a bachelor of science in Leadership and for 6 yeats i have worked as English teacher with JRS organization. I ha... Remagen Advanced Certificate in English (CAE) C1 English tutor who can teach different ages and levels.I am 29 years old and have a bachelor of science in Leadership and for 6 yeats i have worked as English teacher with JRS organization. I ha... |
22€/h Erste Stunde kostenlos Abdu Aljabar Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Advanced Certificate in English (CAE) C1 Klare Strukturierung des Unterrichts, Hoher Anteil an echter Lernzeit, Lernförderliches Klima ( Lehrkräfte sollten im Unterricht ein fehlerfreundliches Klima schaffen ), Inhaltliche KlarheitBefore we start , I always give some tests to make sure that the students have no difficulties with the grammar, as the grammar is the basi... Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Advanced Certificate in English (CAE) C1 Klare Strukturierung des Unterrichts, Hoher Anteil an echter Lernzeit, Lernförderliches Klima ( Lehrkräfte sollten im Unterricht ein fehlerfreundliches Klima schaffen ), Inhaltliche KlarheitBefore we start , I always give some tests to make sure that the students have no difficulties with the grammar, as the grammar is the basi... |
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